Disclaimer #1: I seriously have no idea what I am doing. I mean, sure, I read the occasional blog and I looked up pins on how to start a blog...but this is the very first time I have tried blogging. I'll figure it out in time, hopefully. Suggestions are certainly welcome!
Disclaimer #2: If you are here, you are likely a close friend or family member, and if you aren't one of those, you should be warned my family is loud and crazy and I cannot be held responsible for the weirdness that will inevitably ensue.
Now that we have an understanding, let me explain why I decided to start a blog now--I'm moving to Nepal for the summer! I am a second (almost third year) veterinary student, and along with my DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree) I am participating in the Global Animal Health Pathway here at Washington State University. We can talk about global animal health and why I've chosen this path in a later post. This is my first time travelling abroad, and I couldn't be more excited! (Mom probably couldn't be more apprehensive. It'll all be fine Mom, take a deep breath).
I decided a blog would be the best way to keep everyone in the loop of my adventures. This way I don't have to send out tons of e-mails, and if you aren't interested in what I had to eat for breakfast, you don't have to read the blog, and I won't clutter your inbox. Win-win! This blog is public, so share the love with anyone who may be interested. The more the merrier over here.
More posts coming soon! ...granted I can figure out how to publish this one...
Oh, and so as not to keep you wondering, for breakfast today I had Honey Nut Cheerios with extra honey drizzled on top. Mmm!