Saturday, May 28, 2016

Quakes and tremors, oh my!

Don't fret. I am totally fine. We had another good tremor yesterday at 3:24pm local time. This is the third one that I have felt, but apparently it is the fourth one we've since I have been here. These are all categorized as aftershocks of the massive earthquake in April of last year. What categorizes something as an earthquake versus an aftershock, I'm not sure. 

This one yesterday was different from the previous ones because it was in the middle of the afternoon instead of the middle of the night. Everyone started screaming and running out into the street. I was reading in my room, and I just stayed there. I talked with my mentor Sarah about what I should do. She advised that I just stay put, because the guest house I am staying in is well-constructed. However, most Nepali people will run out of their houses. I think it may be because many structures are not sturdy and there were thousands crushed and buried alive in the Gorkha earthquake. 

Aftershocks of Gorkha Earthquake 
"Article about aftershock: Adhikari L. B. et. al., 2015 The aftershock sequence of the 2015 April 25 Gorkha–Nepal earthquake. Geophys. J. Int., 203(3), 2119-2124"
Date (YYYYMMDD)Local timeLatitudeLongitudeMagnitude(ML)
(≥4 only )
I got this table and my information about the tremors from this website:

I jokingly told my mother before I left that I hoped to experience an earthquake while I was here. It's an adrenaline rush to be sure, but I have had enough now. They can stop. I understand why these people start screaming, after experiencing such a devastating earthquake, every little tremor is terrifying due to its potential. I've already "felt" tremors that were nothing but my imagination. I can only imagine the psychological effects this has on survivors of the Gorkha earthquake. 

I have been here 15 days and experienced 3 tremors. If this pattern keeps up I could potentially experience another 15 earthquakes...that's about 15 too many for my taste. I knew this trip would be challenging, I just didn't anticipate it on a psychological level!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops! I removed this comment to update my profile picture, but it didn't update! Haha! Thanks for sharing your blog! It is fun to read about your adventures in Nepal. Stay safe!!

  3. Yikes! Hopefully the aftershocks stay aftershocks and don't become stronger/bigger. Quakes are not fun. Sorry, bestie :(
