Monday, May 16, 2016

What I have learned in week 1

1. Front doors are always open, literally. Maybe it's the fact that there is no air-conditioning and it is summer. I would suspect it is a different story in the winter. Most people have double french doors that are open all the time. I have yet to come to Sarah's or the guesthouse and have to knock on the door. Usually when you walk in, you say "Namaste" (similar to the tone of a hello?) to see who is home. From my experience so far it seems that everyone is very welcome to come and go anywhere in the house. There aren't rooms that are "off-limits" like bedrooms and private offices seem to be in the West. I still feel strange just waltzing in and making myself at home. Maybe in three months this will disappear.

2. Days start late, like, it's almost 10am here, and I am the only one at work. Aside from the cooks, maids, and babysitters, it seems that everyone else stays in bed until about now and then gets to work around 11ish, or whenever their first meeting is to be held. Granted, I love to sleep in, but not this late, and when I do get up, it's go time. That's just not the case here.

3. Meeting shmeeting. No schedules, no appointments, no obligations to time. It is driving this type-A girl a little crazy! I know this is their culture and I could certainly stand to loosen up a bit, but I am a strugglin'. For example, yesterday a meeting was planned for 2pm, it was pushed back to 4, then 4:30 rolled around and we were still waiting on some people only to find out that they had decided to go home. What?! What about the meeting, we have been waiting all afternoon and there wasn't even a phone call. That's just the way things roll here. I am trying to roll with it...trying. 

Well, that didn't go as planned: Episode 4
I had my first case of food poisoning yesterday. Not sure exactly what to call it, but you get the idea. I ate something yummy and my stomach disagreed. It wasn't a big deal, especially since I have such a sensitive stomach to start with. It was inevitable for me really. I am 100% again this morning, so don't fret. It's all part of the adventure.


  1. Ugh! Poor Jessie with the food poisoning! Luckily you feel better today :)

  2. Awesome!! I've read everything so far and love your adventure! How are you doing technology wise? Do you have internet? Laptop? etc.

  3. Jess, I just learned about your summer adventure in Nepal from an email your mom sent out to the family (how embarrassing that we live in the same town - not even 5 miles apart - and I'm just finding out about this). Anyway, I just finished reading through all of your posts up to this point and wanted to say how totally proud I am of you and what an inspiration you are to all of us around you. What an absolutely incredible experience for you!! Best of luck in your research and other opportunities! We will be praying for your success and safety. Most of all, we love you!!
    Aunt Tomi

    1. Aw! Thanks Aunt Tomi. In your defense, Mom is late getting the word out, but I'm glad you are here now. I don't know if Whitney knows yet either actually. Can you mention it to her next time you see her? Thanks! Love you!

  4. Jessie! What an adventure, indeed! I had no idea you were headed to Nepal this summer. It takes a great deal of courage and dedication to follow your dreams to the other side of the world! I wish you much success in your work. Be safe out there and take lots of pictures for us!

    1. Hi Kelsey! Thanks for checking out the blog and for the words of encouragement. It's been a rough couple of days, but I am back in the game. I will be writing another post with some more pictures today. Love you!
