Hello lovely people! My mother has requested that I give an update on the situation surrounding my personal hygiene. In previous posts I have painted a picture that may make some of you hesitant to hug me upon my return. Although that picture was accurate, the situation has greatly improved.
My family knows this, but my mother suggested that I also write a quick blurb about it here. So, you should all know that I have moved from the guest house in Jawalakhel to a house in Jamsikhel. I am house-sitting with a co-worker from the UK, Heidi. She is a veterinary nurse and very sharp, and probably the sweetest, most thoughtful person I have ever known. Anyway, we are living in a large house here while the family is in Denmark (I think?). The lady of the house is Dutch and married to a Nepalese man and they went away to have their second son. We are also dog-sitting their sweet dog, Nanu. I call her "my dancing bear" because whenever I come home she greets me by jumping up on her hind feet and dancing. She's about 4 or 5 years old, but acts like a 6 month old lab puppy (CRAZY ENERGETIC). I'm giving way more details that you need, sorry.
Moral of the story is that I am showering every single day, sometimes even twice a day, if it has been a really hot sweaty day. I brush my teeth morning and night, and I even flossed today. I have clean clothes to wear, so life is good. Life smells a lot better too. :)